A foreign single person can open a bank account in Turkey. It is actually simple work for us to help you. When somebody buys a property in Turkey, right after we take them to open a bank account. So that they may register their electricity and water bill or for other following payments such as internet, home phone etc.
In order to open a bank account:
- Pass copy
- Tax number from Turkish tax authorities. (We help you to get a tax number.)
- An address document regarding your home country address. It can be water, electricity, gas or a mobile phone bill. The address document has to be produced in the last 3 months.
Tapu is the ownership of a property in Turkey. The title deed, which is a concept of legal action, by definition, indicates that who owns …
Residence Permit
Having a residence permit in Turkey was pretty easy before. Just because of this reason a lot of immigrants came to Turkey. Turkish state has …
Get Turkish Citizenship
Getting Turkish Citizenship by investing in Turkey is an easy process. Important thing is to find the right location for the right investment. You may either …
A foreign single person can open a bank account in Turkey. It is actually simple work for us to help you. When somebody buys a property in …
Health care system in Turkey
Since 2003 approximately more than 45,000 properties have been sold to foreigners only in Alanya. Most of the home buyers want to live constantly in …
Costs of property in Turkey
While you are buying a property in Turkey, you should apply to the land registry office and receive your title deed from the land registry …