Acquisition of Turkish citizenship is regulated in two ways: at birth or by later acquisition. Turkey has not adopted the right to acquire citizenship based on the place of birth. Therefore, being born in Turkey will not provide you with any rights in terms of citizenship.
Acquisition of Citizenship at Birth;
Kinship determines citizenship at birth, considering an individual as a Turkish citizen if one or both parents possess Turkish citizenship. A Turkish child born to a Turkish mother or father automatically receives Turkish citizenship. However, adults born to Turkish citizen parents, unregistered with a civil registry office before turning 18, may become eligible for citizenship based on the Ministry’s decision following an investigation.
Later Acquisition
Meeting the specified criteria outlined in the Turkish Citizenship Law allows you to obtain Turkish citizenship at the discretion of the relevant authorities. However, compliance with the stated requirements does not guarantee an automatic entitlement to citizenship.
The following are the requirements for later acquisition:
- You are eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship if you have continuously resided in Turkey for 5 years. However, additional prerequisites include proficiency in Turkish and possessing good moral character. Also not being diagnosed with a health condition that poses a threat to public health.
- If you have been married to a Turkish citizen for a minimum of 3 years, you are also eligible to apply for Turkish citizenship.
Moreover, foreigners meeting specific investment criteria may qualify for citizenship.
- Those confirmed by the Ministry of Industry and Technology to have invested a fixed capital of at least 500,000 USD.
- Individuals confirmed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency to have deposited a minimum of 500,000 USD in a Turkish bank, provided the amount is maintained in the account for three years.
- Foreigners confirmed by the Capital Markets Board to have purchased real estate or venture capital investment fund participation shares worth a minimum of 500,000 USD, with the condition that they are held for three years.
- Those confirmed by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance to have acquired state borrowing instruments worth a minimum of 500,000 USD under the condition of holding them for three years are eligible for exceptional Turkish citizenship.
Additionally, foreigners who meet the following criteria are eligible for citizenship:
- Confirmation by the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Services for creating employment for at least 50 people.
- Confirmation by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation for the purchase of real estate worth a minimum of 400,000 USD.
- Individuals who have committed to buying real estate equivalent to a minimum of 400,000 USD through a notarized sales contract, along with a three-year refusal of sale annotation added to the records of the title deed registry.
For further information about the citizenship application and how to apply, you can visit www.nvi.gov.tr or call the hotline at 199.